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Corporate Memberships 04 Grades

  • Primary Member
  • Noteworthy Member
  • Enlighted Member
  • Honorary Member
No membership fee. Nominal APC applicable.
Membership Benefits
  • Professional recognition
  • Events hosting and advertisements
  • Display on AER website
  • Participation in annual ranking
  • Enhanced networking
  • Funding and consultancy opportunities
  • Up to 100 % discount at events
  • Priority in various boards and events
  • Free annual awards nomination
  • Election voting and contesting
  • Lifetime free newsletter


  • Lifetime Corporate membership is open to manufacturing and engineering service providing industries, engineering products and software testing industries across the globe. For easy administrative and research activities execution, four grades are formulated in the this type of membership.
  • These grades are based on exposure of these industries. Startups and Small Businesses, Medium Scale Business, Organizations setup limitied to a nation, organizations with International setups are categorized as Primary Member, Noteworthy Member, Enlighted Member and Honorary Member respectively. Also, significant weightage will be given to the research and innovation activities for grading the membership.

Membership Benefits

The membership of Association of Engineering Researchers is offered to put an impression of prestige to academic engineering institutes, Universities, Research Laboratories and R & D centers. The AER Corporate membership has specialized abilities to further advance the research and development, innovations, design, manufacture and utilization of Engineering research for better future. Members will be cheerful to take the advantages as,
  • The professional recognition of being a part of the prestigious international association
  • Opportunity and priority to host events, exhibit at events and advertisements
  • Display of Institute name and logo on AER website
  • Participation in annual international Corporate ranking
  • Enhanced networking with international research organizations, industries and researchers
  • Up to 100 % discount* on workshops, training programs, conference and publications
  • Funding opportunities for feasible and sustainable research
  • Consultancy opportunity with other stakeholders
  • Free nomination for annual Engineering Researchers International Awards
  • Opportunity and priority to Corporate stakeholders in various activities
  • Lifetime free newsletter subscription
* will be declared from time to time for that specific activity

Membership Grades

  • Primary Member
  • Noteworthy Member
  • Enlighted Member
  • Honorary Member

Membership Fees

  • There is no membership fees for Association of Engineering Researchers.

Membership Application Processing Charges (APC)

  • Association of Engineering Researchers is currently not receiving funding from any agencies and all types of lifetime memberships are offered freely.
  • The number of administrative activities and manpower is involved to run various activities of the association. It needs a considerable cost.
  • Hence, nominal one time non refundable membership APC apply to members at the time of joining to cover these costs.
  • To accommodate all classes with strong members of researchers across the various corners of the globe, the APC structure is formulated based on the economy of the country and research achievements of the members.
  • For Primary Members and Noteworthy Member, APC** of £ 500, £ 350, £ 250 and £ 250 is applied for Class A, B, C, and D countries respectively. Know more about countries classes
  • Currently there are no APC applied to Enlighted Members and Honorary Members for the applications submitted before 25 February 2022.
**Transaction charges as applicable

Membership Application

  • Please Download and send completed application to member@engineeringresearchers.com.

Grade Evaluation and Elevation

  • The Corporate Membership is a lifetime. Still, the membership grade will be fixed for 03 years, once its allotment certificate is issued. The average h-index will be evaluated once in three years in the month of November and membership will grade accordingly.
  • For a Grade Elevation, applications will be submitted in every year in the month of November in prescribed format. The result of membership grade will be subsequently declared in the month of January.
  • There will no processing charges for Grade Evaluation and Elevation.

Validity and Renewal

  • All Corporate memberships are lifetime.
  • However, it’s renewal is required after every 10 years in order to keep it active. There will no renewal fee.

Transfer and Cancelation

  • The membership of AER is not transferable to any other institute.
  • The membership may be canceled by the AER at any stage in case of any wrong information provided by any member in the application or in case of any unethical act as a member.
  • The member can write a simple email to cancel the membership with name and membership ID. The process will be completed within one month.